| Share Broker | |
A comprehensive package for Share Brokers
- Key Features
You may deal with any number of Main Brokers, Sub-Brokers & Client, at any number of Stock Exchange
Maintains Daily Transactions "SAUDAS", facility to upload BSE/NSE files
Quick Printing of Contract Notes
Maintains No Delivery Transactions
You can print Inward / Outward Challans
Partywise Outstanding positions are always available
Scripwise Transactions / Summary is available
List of Deliveries to be made or received is always ready
Bills can be printed for any settlement period or an individual client with S.T.T.
Share trading Balance Sheet with Brokerage income is available
Bills are automatically trasferred to Balance Sheet
You can set Brokerage Percentage for Square off and Delivery
Very simple entry of Cheques, Cash, Sales, Purchase, JVs etc
Quick Access to Day Book & Ledger
Tallied Trial Balance, Profit & Loss A/c, and Balance Sheet is always available
You can set your own Password
Menu driven, User Friendly package with online help
Prior Knowledge of Share, Accounting or Computer not necessary
Very easy to Install & Use, Comes with complete User Manual